1700-1996 Sexual Cultures in Europe


1700-1996 Sexual Cultures in Europe


Verknüpfte Ressourcen

Items of item set: Sammlung der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft
Titel Sammlungen
Conference on Sexual Cultures in Europe
Responses to Sexual Perversions: The Case of Transvestism
Sex and Nation in the British Boy Scouts Movement, 1907-22
Sex and Sexuality in France since 1800
Der Dumpfe Trieb wurde zur Bewussten Perversität: Medical Science and the Modernization of Sexuality
Sexuality in the Netherlands: a historical overview
Russian Eros: Permanence and Change
Cultures of abortion: Part 1: From campaigning literature to feminist social history and beyond - some thoughts on most recent historiography in Germany, Britain and the USA
Leather nights in the woods: Homosexual encounters in a Dutch highway rest area
Falling fertilities and changing sexualities in Europe since c. 1850: a comparative survey of national demographic patterns
The Rise and Fall of European Syphilization
Sexuality, morality, and public authority in Italy: metaphors and interventionism
"Schutzmaßregeln gegen die Lust." Sex Education in Early Twenties Century Germany
Getting Aquainted with the Facts of Life in Holland and Flanders 1850-1970
Catholics between Abstinence and "Appeasement of Lust" (1930-1950)
Spain: The Political and Social Context of Sex Reform in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Marriage Regulation in Nineteenth Century Scotland: Social Adjustment or Moral Economy?
Cultures of abortion: Part 2: Daily practice in The Hague, early twentieth century
The Culture of Compulsion: VD, Sexuality and the State in Twentieth Century Scotland
Sexual Cultures in Europe: Geographical Perspectives
The Literature of Sex Education in Spain in the Ninetheenth Century
Great Britain
The Lady Doctors
Same-Sex Relations among Men in Europe, 1700-1900
Religion and Sexual Culture in Ireland