Sexual Cultures in Europe: Themes in sexuality |
Sexual Cultures in Europe: National Histories |
National responses to sexual perversions: the case of transvestism |
Sex and sexuality in France sind 1800 |
Medical science and the modernisation of sexuality |
The Netherlands: neither prudish nor hedonistic |
Sexuality and politics in Russia, 1700-2000 |
Pornography in Western European culture |
Falling fertilities and changing sexualities in Europe since c. 1850: a comparative survey of national demographic patterns |
The Rise and Fall of European Syphilisation: the Debates on Human Experimentation and Vaccination of Syphilis, c. 1845-70 |
Italy: sexuality, morality and public authority |
Sex education in Germany from the eighteenth to the twentieth century |
French Catholics between abstinence and 'appeasement of lust', 1930-50 |
Spain: the political and social context of sex reform in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries |
Cultures of abortion in The Hague in the early twentieth century |
The culture of compulsion: venereal disease, sexuality and the state in twentieth-century Scotland |
Sexual cultures in Britain: some persisting themes |
Keeping their fingers on the pulse: lesbian doctors in Britain, 1890-1950 |
Same-sex relations among men in Europe, 1700-1990 |
Religion and sexual culture in Ireland |
Didn't stop to think, I just didn't want another one': the culture of abortion in interwar South Wales |
The World League for Sexual Reform: some possible approaches |
Sexual cultures in Germany and Austria, 1700-2000 |