Gert Hekma


Gert Hekma
Gerhardus Hekma
Soziologe Anthropologe Sexualwissenschaftler
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Verknüpfte Ressourcen

Items of item set: Sammlung der Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft
Titel Sammlungen
National responses to sexual perversions: the case of transvestism
Sex and sexuality in France sind 1800
Medical science and the modernisation of sexuality
The Netherlands: neither prudish nor hedonistic
Sexuality and politics in Russia, 1700-2000
Pornography in Western European culture
Same Sex, Different Ages: On Pederasty in Gay History
Female bodies, sexuality and feminism. The 'personal as political' in interwar Greece
Falling fertilities and changing sexualities in Europe since c. 1850: a comparative survey of national demographic patterns
The Rise and Fall of European Syphilisation: the Debates on Human Experimentation and Vaccination of Syphilis, c. 1845-70
The double life of Kertbeny
Italy: sexuality, morality and public authority
Sex education in Germany from the eighteenth to the twentieth century
French Catholics between abstinence and 'appeasement of lust', 1930-50
Spain: the political and social context of sex reform in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Cultures of abortion in The Hague in the early twentieth century
The culture of compulsion: venereal disease, sexuality and the state in twentieth-century Scotland
Magnus Hirschfeld's doctrine of sexual intermediaries and the transgender politics of (no-)identity
"For a dialectic of homosexuality and revolution." Daniel Guerin's engagement with 'sexology' from the 1950s and his contribution to the theorization of sexuality asnd gender from a historical materialist perspective
The devil underneath the couch: The secret story of Jung's twin brother
Homosexualität versus Päderastie: Gedanken und Überlegungen
Sexual cultures in Britain: some persisting themes
Keeping their fingers on the pulse: lesbian doctors in Britain, 1890-1950
Bolshevik medicine and Russia's sexual revolution
Vijftig jaar homo-acceptatie uit de kast, van obereikbaar ideaal tot ontoereikend perspectief: Deel 1, deel 2